Setting up Gardenjs

During installation, the configuration file garden.config.js is generated in the root directory. All project-specific settings are made here.


Argument Type Description
serverport Positive number Default: 3010
Define the server port.
devmodus Boolean Default: false
!!! For garden development purposes only.
no_open_browser Boolean Default: true
Stops auto opening Gardenjs on start.
project_title String, Text Default: My project name
Title is displayed above the navigation.
project_logo Path Optional. Logo is displayed above the navigation. Then “project_title” is used as title tag.
project_logo_darkmode Path Optional. Logo is displayed above the navigation in dark mode. Then “project_title” is used as title tag.
welcome_page Path Optional. Set a path to your own start page, e.g. /src/foo.html.
docs_link Boolean Default: true
Set a path to your own start page, e.g. /src/foo.svelte.
structure Path Each entry is output with its subpages in the page tree.
E.g. layouts: './src/layout/, 'components: './src/components/'.
watch directories: Path, include: File suffix Defines which directories and file types to monitor.
watch: directories Path Path to directories to be monitored for changes, e.g. ['./src/'],.
watch: include File suffix File types to be monitored for changes, e.g. [‘.svelte’, ‘.vue’, ‘.scss’, ‘.css’, ‘.js’, ‘.ts’].
vite_config Path Default: ./vite.config.js
Path to the vite.config file. (In any case, make sure Vite is installed.)
renderer String Specify the JS framework(s) used in the project. Requires a corresponding framework plugin. When the npm install script was run, a render was automatically stored here if the appropriate selection was made. E.g. gardenjs-plugin-svelte.
additional_style_files Path Add global style files needed for your project, e.g. 'src/assets/scss/base.scss', 'src/assets/scss/main.scss'
themes name: String, stageBg: Color, active: Boolean Edit or disable “Themes” depending on whether your app uses themes. Defines a list of display modes of your project to output the components accordingly.
themes: name String Name of the mode as it appears in the theme navigation. E.g. name: 'Dark mode'
themes: stageBg String Sets the background color of the stage for each mode. All common CSS color values can be used as values. E.g. stageBg: '#101010'
themes: active Boolean Set the default theme on start: active: 'true',. Optionally, if it is empty, the first entry in the list is automatically used as the default.
themeHandler String Default: onThemeChange
If themes is used this adjusts the function below. If necessary, the function must be changed.


The source folder of the components was queried during installation. It is also possible to display several page trees one below the other. With the structure option, you can define a finer granulation of the page tree and integrate components from different directories. You could also display external components in your project.

 "structure": {
    "layouts": "./src/layout/",
    "components": "./src/components/",
    "external lib": "/absolute/path/to/lib"

Theme Function

The following theme function is integrated as default. Adapt it to your own needs and adjust the option themeHandler if necessary.

function onThemeChange(theme) {
  if (theme === 'default') {
    delete document.body.dataset.theme
  } else {
    document.body.dataset.theme = theme
Vegetable illustration